combining cbd and alcohol?

cbd handbook
3 min readDec 22, 2020

You may find yourself drinking more alcohol over the festive period (you and me both). However, if you take CBD, then you may be slightly concerned about how it will react with the alcohol and if it is safe to mix the two? Let’s get your questions answered before the festivities begin.

There is no euphoric, psychoactive “high” associated with CBD and so the immediate effects are subtle. So, for this reason, simply put, if you are planning on drinking alcohol over the Christmas period and are curious as to if you can still take CBD, rest assured there are limited risks.

So, what would happen?

Alcohol is known for its ability to reduce inhibitions and promote feelings of relaxation. Research has shown that CBD can have similar effects on your body, as it can reduce anxiety and calm your nerves. Taking alcohol and CBD together could simply amplify these effects, potentially causing symptoms like increased sleepiness. Nothing too crazy! CBD is also used to support a healthy, happy mood. So, adding a dose of CBD to your next cocktail could actually have some immediate benefits for a night of drinking.

This brings me on to CBD-infused beers and cocktails that have appeared in numerous markets. Brewers from all over the globe are keen to fully understand how the two substances complement each other. These drinks are being marketed as a straightforward and convenient way to incorporate CBD without disrupting your routine. However, is the effects of mixing CBD and alcohol fully understood?

What does research tell us?

Unfortunately, the relationship between CBD and alcohol is yet to be extensively studied. Having said this, there are a handful of preclinical investigations to draw upon. The journal of psychopharmacology found few differences between test subjects administered CBD and alcohol and those administered just alcohol. Based on their findings, you can expect alcohol to affect you the same when consuming it alongside CBD. More research from Free Radical Biology and Medicine showed rodents that ingested CBD 30 minutes before ingesting alcohol were less likely to experience alcohol-induced oxidative damage to the liver than those who did not have CBD. Although these were animal studies, experts are keen to share their findings.

Are you giving me the green light?

In no way mistake this article as a green light to guzzle as much CBD-infused alcoholic beverages as you can handle or to start mixing your CBD and alcohol without a worry in the world. You need to be aware that CBD is not yet approved by the FDA to be added to food or beverages, let alone alcohol! However, if you are trying it out, as is the case with any substance that alters how we think, feel, or act, moderation is key. There are, of course a number of variables that can impact the effect you will experience when combining CBD and alcohol, such as the type of drink and the alcohol percentage. No one knows better than yourself what an unhealthy amount of alcohol is for your circumstances, so ensure you stay in control. It should go without saying that if you’re taking CBD for medical reasons, be sure to check in with your doctor before combining CBD and alcohol. Have a very Merry Christmas, but not toooo merry.



cbd handbook

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